What To Do When Letting Go Seems Hard

Letting go of the past can be an arduous task. Events and occurrences that have hurt you can affect your everyday existence, from your convictions to the choices you make consciously or unconsciously.

Here are some examples of past events that can be challenging to forget:

Death of loved ones

Broken Relationships

Failure and disappointment

Mistakes or regrets

Events that were disturbing or upsettingIn any case. There are ways of forgetting the impacts of past experiences. This might include:

Practicing self-love, attempting mindfulness as a way to focus on the right things or reaching out to a therapist. This article will tell us how to let go of the past in any situation we find ourselves.

How to Let Go of the Past

The following are tips to assist you in letting go off the past relationships you had, the hurts you experience daily and the traumatic events you need to forget.

Commit to Letting Go

The most important move towards letting go is understanding that it is normal and also feeling prepared to do so. This can occur at various times for various individuals, yet when somebody settles for this choice, it tends to empower them. You need to make a proper commitment to letting go. When you do this, you’re imprinting on your mind to forget all there’s to the pain.

Feel the hurts

Recollections of past occurrences can raise complicated and painful emotions. Permitting yourself to feel those hurts genuinely, without attempting to battle or fix them, is a significant stage toward handling what occurred. This can be draining, but it can assist with communicating these hurts in a safe spot, like in a diary, with a friend you can trust, or with a therapist.

Take up the responsibility

Taking responsibility doesn’t mean accusing yourself, but basically recognizing what occurred and taking responsibility for moves. This can assist with making people feel less vulnerable and feel that in the event that they can get a sense of ownership with the past, they can do likewise for what’s to come.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique that urges individuals to focus on what’s going on in the present. This can assist with people who battle with traveling to the past and remembering their hurts. A research proposed that individuals who are more mindful, experience less rumination and are bound to be sympathetic toward themselves.

Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Notice little things that bring happiness, like the flavor of a heavenly feast or the glow of the sun on the skin. Invest your energy in nature, taking consideration back to the climate at whatever point your mind strays. Participate in mindful, imaginative leisure activities, like drawing or playing instruments

Practice Meditation.

There are different ways to meditate. Here are simple tips for beginners:

Sit in a calm place, without any interruptions

Close your eyes and take a few full breaths

Focus on breathing in and breathing out at the point when you recollect the past, essentially permitting them briefly stay before to returning to your meditation. This persistent course of getting back to the present is the premise of mindfulness. Some might find it helpful to picture their thoughts drifting away, while others might like to repeat a phrase that helps them to remember the present.

Practice Self-love

Self-love includes treating oneself with generosity, care, and forgiveness. You can practice self-love by changing the way you talk to yourself. This includes seeing when your contemplations become basic and replacing them with other kind options. Keeping a self-love journal can be an effective method for practicing this technique.

How to Let Go of Past Relationships

It tends to be especially challenging to let go of relationships, as people tend to be attached to each other.

However, with the above tips, individuals can find extra ways to let go of past relationships. Examples include:

Restricting contact with exes. Clearing out memories of them by deleting anything that reminds you of them. Setting and respecting boundaries. Investing your energy in taking care of yourself and focusing on personal development. Engaging yourself with work and other meaningful activities to keep you busy.

Past researchers proposed that thinking about the good parts of a breakup might assist with limiting sensations of misfortune. For instance, after a relationship ends, you might have the option to seek after new priorities like traveling, learning a new school, or tracking down another profession.

Individuals who have been in terrible or toxic relationships might need extra help with letting go, as trauma bonding can happen. Trauma bonding means having an undesirable relationship with an individual who has treated you harmfully.

Effective Ways To Let Go of Hate and Resentment

Feeling of unsettled anger, betrayal, and hatred are normal among the people who battle to let go of a past experience. Anger and hatred can likewise happen in the outcome of trauma or as a related element of PTSD. An extra tip to note towards dealing with this feeling include: Expressing anger freely. Most individuals are often reluctant about expressing anger. Notwithstanding, research shows that resentment and animosity are not something similar. While anger is an feeling and physiological state, aggression includes making a move on those feelings — which most times causes hurt.

How to express anger freely

For instance, you can attempt the following: Writing out what is getting you angry and discarding the paper. Expressing your feelings through craftsmanship, music, or other creative side interests. Taking part in exercise or sports, like running. Individuals with anger because of trauma or PTSD might benefit from extra trauma treatments.


When you forgive people, you tend to release yourself from bondage you might not know you have for yourself. Forgiveness helps to delete the pains and replace it with calmness. In order to forgive, you have to first forget what they did. Forgetting the hurt doesn’t mean you won’t remember again, but that you won’t remember what caused the effect the pain. If after reading this, you still find it difficult to let go, you can reach out to a therapist or contact any FASI Member.

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