Betrayal is the most damaging part of an affair.

People cheat for different reasons. They might love their partner but still cheat on them because they are addicted to sex, personal insecurities, revenge etc. More often than not, the cheater cheated because they felt neglected, maltreated or not valued. This doesn’t excuse the person’s behaviour but it explains it. It shows that cheating was a symptom and not the main problem.
Non of these reasons are good. Troubled relationship is not an excuse for cheating.

Cheating doesn’t have to be the end of a relationship, although it’s a huge sign that the relationship needs working on.

People often ask if a relationship can go back to exactly how it was after one’s partner cheats?

Around 60% to 75% of relationships can still work afterwards. Recovery is very possible but it requires hard work to rebuilding a healthy relationship.

To restore the relationship, underlying issues must be addressed. There should be an improvement in your communication, time spent together, sex life, etc.

The cheater needs to take full responsibility for the betrayal and also understand that healing from their actions is a long process.

The hardest part of being Cheated on is the feeling of betrayal from the partner because you realised that the person you give your all to is giving a part of themselves to another.
Its imperative you accept or internalize how you are feeling if you are the one that has been cheated on. Process it and move on.

Its very important to avoid playing the victim in such a situation, rather ask questions and listen to what actually transpired and decide if the relationship is still worth saving. If it is,then forgive your partner and move on.

Communication is critical in every relationship. Talking about it, is imperative if you are to fix or end the relationship or even looking for some closure.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance if they are remorseful.

These red flags are some deciding factors that can influence your decision making.

1 Who did they cheat on you with?

2 Was the affair a long term or one night stand?

3 Is cheating a pattern in your relationship?

4 Are they remorseful ?

5 Has your partner been projecting themselves onto you?

6 Did they cheat early into the relationship?

7 Are they toxic?

8 Can you ever truly forgive your partner or will you always remind them of their infidelity whenever there is a disagreement?

9 Do you think you can ever trust or be happy with your partner again?

In order for partners to move on,the most important step is for the cheating to stop. The person who cheated cannot see the person they cheated with again.

1 Allow your partner vent and do not retaliate.

2 Deal with the source of cheating

3 Seek your partner’s views on how to make amends.

4 Total honesty is essential.

5 Be accountable and transparent

6 Trust has to be rebuilt. keep your promise.

7 Rekindle your love.

8 Seek help individually.

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