You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

It is no longer news that Life is all about “give and take”, but then, it is obvious that our parents have explored the good old days, and here we are, stuck in the menace of the bad days. Yes, we still give and take, but unlike before, we now approach the exchange market with the wrong commodity to barter for a good trade, from a wrong trader. Or what can you say of a fire fighter that’s on a mission to rescue a burning building with a tank of Petrol?

Virtually everyone has one or two shit to deal with these days; if it isn’t pressures of the past, it would be demands of the present, or weakening hope of the future, and sorting them out can be brain tasking and energy sapping. Also, the society we live in and the shits that comes with surviving in it, subjects everyone of us to an upgraded version of stress and depression, and it is to the extent that it is only a man that has bribed the hosts of heaven that can boast of having good days in a week back to back.

Have you ever wondered why “breakfasts” and disappointments are very rampant in relationships, marriages and every activities in life? It’s simply because majority of us now fuel a furnace with substance extracted from Kanji Dam.

Despite it’s cruelty, our society demands much more that we could afford, or perhaps, we are all trying to satisfy the demands of the society beyond our capacity and capability. Example of it’s cruel demands are:

The society demanding love from someone that has never experienced agape love or that is yet to love himself to the brim.

The society demanding commitment from someone that has never been committed to his growth or his life at large.

The society demanding patience and understanding from an individual has been standing on hot coals all his life.

The society demanding attention from an individual that is yet to pay rapt attention to what his own mind and conscience is yelling at him.

Now imagine such individual venturing into relationship, a societal agent that demands love, commitment, attention, etc., it shouldn’t be shocking to see such individual worn out someday while trying to meet up with these demands, hence, breakfast. Most times, it isn’t always their faults, it is just beyond their control. The had no pillar on which they could erect beautiful structures.

Yes, we can’t change the hand of time, but then, we can’t keep falling victims to life’s knocks. It sucks. Instead, we can always SMILE at the LIMES life throws at us, regardless of the MILES they’re traveling from.

Take a break. Yes, you deserve it. Take those steps you’re always scared of. Try stuff you wished you could do. Attend parties, and Hangouts with your friends. Go to cinemas and concert. Let down your guards and give your soul the chance to be loved again. Forgive yourself and everyone around you. Play games, laugh, smile, play in the rain and don’t forget to live a healthy life. Don’t act strong all the time, cry whenever you feel like, it is good sometimes. Try love again and again, till Love finds you. Don’t go wild when you feel used or rejected, remember, the mission is to SMILE at the LIMES life throws at you, regardless of the MILES they’re traveling from.

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