Gang Rape Changed my Perception about Sex

If at all I sight my parents in my next life, I shall put a bullet in their skull before acknowledging their presence.

My parents never did harm to me, but they contributed to my evolving into the beast I am today.

Born into the family of three; Dad was a Doctor, while Mom was a Banker. It was the kind of family an average human being would pray for, but it was the family I regretted being from.

My parents had this belief that everything I could ever need or want was money, even when all I could crave for was Mom’s or sleeping in Dad’s broad chest. I later traced the root of the belief to their background. Their parents were poor, but they raised them with every other thing a parent could use.

My parents got a maid to look after my well-being, while they disappear in the name of work, and that was the how my journey into addiction began.

This maid, was the only being I could address as a father, mother, and best friend. We were both female, so we do lots of stuff together, without bothering or raising eyebrows against ourselves. We sleep, bath, eat, work, and do almost everything together, the intimacy was so deep that I sometimes sacrifice school just to be around her.

It started when my confidant, our maid, brought in some guys, there looks weren’t terrifying, so I didn’t bother much. Hours later, one of the visitors said I should sit on his lap. I ignored, but this maid said I should go. And since the order is from my foster mother, I gave in.

I started sweating and crying when I felt something tickling me from the underpart. I tried to escape, but the grip was too strong for me to break. I called out to the maid, but she was not the maid I had always known anymore. I was raped right there in her presence. Our maid forced and threatened me to remain quiet for the rest of my life, if I do not want to die young, and I complied.

The second day, these guys came around again and raped me one after the other, while this devilish maid recorded the process. I later found out that she was paid to “sell” me to them. The rape repeated itself the third day, and then I decided to fight for myself.

The fourth day, they came around as usual, with hard drinks and drugs. I knew I was going to be raped to death if I didn’t do anything, and that was what triggered me into poisoning their foods. It is their custom to always eat before starting their devilish act with me. I served them poison in their foods, including the maid, and they all died, while trying to undress me.

I felt like I had unlocked a unique version of myself. I was still trying to wrap my head around what had happened when police officers surrounded me and took me away in their van.

I still feel the pain, but I think I will be more relieved if I murder another soul. I now crave for blood. Although, I know it isn’t ideal, but that is what I am now.

Rape is a devilish act and it can ruin the victim. All rapists deserve to die as it causes more harm than the selfish interest of the perpetrator. If you have been gang raped before, kindly reach out for professional care.

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