Finding Yourself

Sometimes, finding your true self seems to be a heinous task. How would you consider finding a pin in the ocean? Among multitudes, you want to have a voice, you want to be known for something, you want to be yourself. But in a cloudy and noisy environment, where frivolities seem to be the order of the day, where the real people are tossed to the back and the fake ones are most times praised, how will you find yourself?

Have you ever had that time in your life where you heard voices like “You are not doing well? Who do you think you are? Why are you still here? You want to keep being on a spot forever? Who are you?” How did you feel? You probably felt curious and wanted to know more. How would you get the answer? From who?

You see people like Barrack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Serena Williams, Elon Musk and you have got questions. How did they do it? How did they find themselves? How did they know the exact thing to be doing in their lives? Yet you chose them as role models, you felt there would definitely be something like a clue they left behind in their books, interviews or journals. And you’re wondering how you could get the key to unlock yours.

Here are 4 Steps to Finding Yourself

1. Ask Questions

The kind of questions you should ask are questions to know you more. The following are possible questions to ask:

What do I love doing? What do I spend most of my time doing with ease?What kind of work will I do willingly and not get paid? What do I totally hate and want to eradicate around me and around others? What type of friends do I want to keep? What would I want my future to look like? If I was given $1 Million, how would I spend it? What do I prioritize in my life?

What pain have I suffered that I might want to ease off in the lives of others?What are my hobbies? Where do I see myself in the next 5 years if all things are equal? What kind of person will I love to be in this world? What do I want to be remembered for? These are questions you need to find answers to that might help you know more about you.

2. Set Your Life Goals

“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you” – Les Brown

Goal setting allows you to visualize what needs to be done and how to accomplish these goals. You need to know where you are going in life and that’s the essence of setting goals. It helps to streamline your journey and cause you to focus on the right things. Set goals for what you want to achieve spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically, maritally, socially, academically, Business-wise etc. Let your goals be SMART. Let it be Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and Time-bounded. Make sure your goals have deadline, they are achievable, you have action plans to be able to work towards achieving them. If you set SMART goals, finding yourself will be faster than you can imagine.

3. Find A Mentor

Having a mentor will be an unimaginable asset when you hit your undeniable obstacles. Search out somebody you trust who has a clear identity. They can also help you shorten your journey and make it faster by preventing you from making the mistakes they already made. They also help you bring out more assets you never knew you had. How could they make it happen?

Tell them the cycle you’re beginning to attempt. Stress that you know it’s your excursion, yet couldn’t want anything more than to involve their solidarity as an aide. Investigate them as unbiasedly as possible. What appears to ground them, making them what their identity is? How could they view that as? How would they remain consistent with themselves? An emotionally supportive network is vital to any personal development strategy. Not many individuals will comprehend what you’re going through and will dismiss your proposing the point as an insignificant point.

Utilize this guide as a sounding board, as well, for what you face. The power source will most likely proved to be useful.

4. Choose Your Career Path

Probably the reason why you are boxed and you’re finding it difficult to find yourself is because of the job you’re doing. Your job might be limiting your actual potential. Brace up by truly checking out what you love to do. If money wasn’t an issue, what will you go through your days doing? What way could you at any point adapt this movement/expertise? Contemplate what you like and could do without. Rack your memory to know the skills you can offer, the value you can add too. Track these things. Bring your skills sets together and find a place where you can be more creative and productive.

Remember, nonetheless, that work may not be where your “calling” is. Assuming that that is the situation, you’ll have to figure out a balance between serious and fun activities that allows you to seek after your “actual self” more beyond the work environment, regardless of whether this implies more hours and less pay. It is all conceivable, particularly assuming it’s chasing finding and supporting your actual identity.

After knowing how to find yourself through the steps that have been mentioned, what do you think you can do better? Also, you have to be patient with yourself. Finding yourself is not a hard task, but the answers might not come by easily. It’s a process and a journey. There’s a quote that says “The journey of a thousand mile starts with a step.”

Take that one step today in finding yourself, take another one step. You don’t have to rush yourself or the process. You’re not too young or too old to find yourself. When you start finding yourself, you start to attract the people, resources and everything that can make you become the person you envision. Start taking the steps to finding yourself today.

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